dApp is beta on Furya Mainnet
Crosschain Liquidity on Furya
Gambit is an Interchain Liquidity Solutions protocol.
GAMBIT creates a unifying hub for a token’s liquidity and then sub-divides this token’s liquidity in LPs across all Furya chains, distributing liquidity where it is most needed.
Solution to fractured liquidity
Gambit empowers retail users and redistributes market influence from centralized entities to decentralized communities.
Decentralized market participants
Flash loans and arbitrage/liquidation bots enable small and medium users to participate in arbitrage, liquidation, thereby facilitating price stabilization .
Improved capital efficiency
Interchain liquidity reduces capital requirements; flash loans are highly capital efficient for users.
Stable interchain prices
Coordinated pool of LPs providing deeper liquidity and infrastructure-as-a-service, stabilize interchain pricing of assets.
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Interchain Vision
Gambit helps maintain stable and efficient markets that are more robust than if a few entities controlled the system.
Supports local DeXs
Access to an aggregated swaps among various DeXs via Cosmos IBC and Skip Protocol.